Public Member Functions
MusicNoteLib::Player Class Reference

MIDI Player for Music Strings More...

#include <Player.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Player (unsigned int nMIDIOutPortID=MIDI_MAPPER, unsigned int nMIDITimerResMS=20)
MusicStringParserParser ()
 Returns the associated Parser object.
unsigned int MidiOutPort ()
 Get/Set the Midi Output Port that should be used with this Player.
unsigned int TimerResolution ()
 Get/Set the Timer Resolution (in MilliSeconds) that should be used with this Player.
bool Play (const MString &strMusicNotes)
bool PlayAsync (const MString &strMusicNotes)
void WaitTillDone ()
void StopPlay ()
bool IsPlaying () const
 Returns true if an asynchronous Play is currently in progress
bool SaveAsMidiFile (const MString &strMusicNotes, const char *szOutputFilePath)
bool SaveToMidiFile (const char *szOutputFilePath)

Detailed Description

MIDI Player for Music Strings

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MusicNoteLib::Player::Player ( unsigned int  nMIDIOutPortID = MIDI_MAPPER,
unsigned int  nMIDITimerResMS = 20 

Construct the Player Object using supplied Midi Output port and Timer Resolution

nMIDIOutPortIDthe output MIDI port to be used for the play
nMIDITimerResMStimer resolution in Milliseconds

References MusicNoteLib::CParser::AddListener().

Member Function Documentation

bool MusicNoteLib::Player::Play ( const MString strMusicNotes)

Plays a string of music notes. Will not return till the play is complete. To Play the Notes asynchronously, use the PlayAsync() method instead.

Returns false if unable to start the play. Failures can happen if unable to open the MIDI output port or if unable to create a MIDI timer with supplied resolution or if there are any critical parsing errors in the supplied Music String.

strMusicNotesthe input Music string to be played on MIDI output port
True if play was successful, false otherwise

Example Usage:

            MusicNoteLib::Player player; // Create the Player Object with the default MIDI output port
           player.Play(_T("ci di f fi")); // Play the Music Notes

References PlayAsync(), StopPlay(), and MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::WaitTillDone().

Referenced by MusicNoteLib::PlayMusicString(), MusicNoteLib::PlayMusicStringCB(), MusicNoteLib::PlayMusicStringWithOpts(), and MusicNoteLib::PlayMusicStringWithOptsCB().

bool MusicNoteLib::Player::PlayAsync ( const MString strMusicNotes)

Starts playing the notes asynchronously. Returns false if unable to start the Play. Play failures can happen if unable to open the MIDI output port or if unable to create a MIDI timer with supplied resolution or if there any critical errors in the Music String parsing.

After Play starts, use IsPlaying() method to determine if play is still in progress. Use the StopPlay() method to stop the play.

You can also use WaitTillDone() to wait till the play completes. Refer WaitTillDone.

Note that each PlayAsync() should have a matching StopPlay() method call to release MIDI resources.

strMusicNotesthe input Music string to be played on MIDI output port
True if play started successfully, false otherwise

Example Usage:

            MusicNoteLib::Player player(nMIDIOutPortID, nMIDITimerResMS); // Create the Player object
           if(player.PlayAsync(strMusicNotes) // Start Playing Asynchronously
                while(player.IsPlaying()) // Wait while the play is still in progress
           player.StopPlay(); // Stop the Play and release MIDI resources

References MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::BeginPlayAsync(), MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::Clear(), and MusicNoteLib::MusicStringParser::Parse().

Referenced by Play().

bool MusicNoteLib::Player::SaveAsMidiFile ( const MString strMusicNotes,
const char *  szOutputFilePath 

Parses the Music String and saves the generated MIDI events to a Midi output file.

Returns true upon success. If there are any parsing errors for the Music string, result is undefined.

To get notified about the parsing events, retrieve the associated parser object using the Player::Parser() method and subscribe to the evTrace and evError events.

strMusicNotesthe input Music string to be converted to MIDI output
szOutputFilePaththe output MIDI file path
True if content is saved successfully, False otherwise

Example Usage:

            void OnParseTrace(const MusicNoteLib::CParser*, MusicNoteLib::CParser::TraceEventHandlerArgs* pEvArgs)
           void OnParseError(const MusicNoteLib::CParser*, MusicNoteLib::CParser::ErrorEventHandlerArgs* pEvArgs)
                OutputDebugString(_T("\nError --> "));
                    OutputDebugString(_T("\t Token: "));
           MusicNoteLib::Player player; // Create the Player Object
           player.Parser().evTrace.Subscribe(&OnParseTrace); // Subscribe to the Trace Events
            player.Parser().evError.Subscribe(&OnParseError); // Subscribe to the Error Events
           player.SaveAsMidiFile(_T("Cq Dw Ex"), "MidiOutput.midi"); // Save the Music Notes to Midi file directly, without playing

References MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::Clear(), MusicNoteLib::MusicStringParser::Parse(), and MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::SaveToFile().

Referenced by MusicNoteLib::SaveAsMidiFile().

bool MusicNoteLib::Player::SaveToMidiFile ( const char *  szOutputFilePath)

Saves any previously played Music Notes into a Midi output file. If Play() or PlayAsync() is not called on this object previously, the output MIDI file will be empty.

To save the notes directly to MIDI file without playing, use Player::SaveAsMidiFile method instead.

szOutputFilePaththe output MIDI file path
True if content is saved successfully, False otherwise

Example Usage:

            MusicNoteLib::Player player; // Create the Player Object
           player.Play(_T("ci di f fi")); // Play the Music Notes on MIDI output port
           player.SaveToMidiFile("Output.mid"); // Save the played content to MIDI Output file

References MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::SaveToFile().

Stops the Play started with PlayAsync(). Each PlayAsync() should have a matching StopPlay() method call.

References MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::EndPlayAsync().

Referenced by Play().

After play starts asynchronously with PlayAsync(), use WaitTillDone() to wait till the play completes. Caller gets blocked. Once WaitTillDone() returns call StopPlay() to release MIDI resources.

Example Usage:

            MusicNoteLib::Player player(nMIDIOutPortID, nMIDITimerResMS); // Create the Player object
           if(player.PlayAsync(strMusicNotes) // Start Playing Asynchronously
                player.WaitTillDone(); // wait while the play is in progress
           player.StopPlay(); // Stop the Play and release MIDI resources

References MusicNoteLib::MIDIRenderer::WaitTillDone().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

CFugue, the C++ Music Programming Library © Copyright 2009 CineFx Digital Media Pvt Ltd. Gopalakrishna Palem